**You can now connect to all of your hospital resources as if you were on-site. Step 4: Verify you are connected to the VPN by listening for the default checkpoint VPN tune/sound or clicking on your system tray again and verifying the padlock has a green dot. If you do not have the DUO Mobile app on your phone to receive Pushes, type your password followed by ,phone for it to call your phone. There will not be an on screen prompt for it, but you will need to approve the Push before Checkpoint will connect. Step 3: Type your username and password and click “Connect”. Once you sign in and you see Checkpoint begin to load, check your phone for the DUO push authentication it will send to you. Right click on the “padlock” icon circled in the image and click “Connect”. Step 2: Click the up arrow next to the Date and Time in the bottom right corner of your screen to open the “system tray”. cpstop FW1 stops FW-1 VPN-1 or use cpstop WebAccess to stop WebAccess. Step 1: In your windows search, type in “Checkpoint” and click on the Check Point VPN Client to launch the VPN. List of How To Guides for all Check Point products. Solution ID: sk90640 Technical Level: Advanced Email 'Access denied - wrong user name or password' error in VPN client Product Endpoint Security VPN, SecuRemote Version All OS SecurePlatform Platform All Last Modified Symptoms ' Negotiation with gateway NameofVPNGW at site NameofVPNSite has failed. Instructions for connecting to the network remotely.